9001 Wakarusa Street, La Mesa, CA 91942

Patron Spotlight: Jonda Cvek

By November 15, 2018Uncategorized

A recent photo of Jonda Cvek with one of her (smallest) family members

We recently caught up with one of our community partners and friends, Jonda Cvek, to talk about her experience as a first-time patron of Herrick Library. A Santee resident and the Membership & Business Development Director for the San Diego East County Chamber of Commerce, Jonda is active in her community both personally and professionally. She stumbled upon the library while attending a Grossmont Healthcare District event, and found a “hidden gem” in East County for health information.

Why is it important for the community to have a public library that focuses on health information?

For me, it is the focus on well-being. A member of our family had a diagnosis of Pick’s Disease, a form of dementia – I hadn’t a clue about what to expect on my travel back east to visit, other than what family shared. I wanted to be prepared, and I think a neighborhood library might have been overwhelming in size–hard to know where to begin, or not large enough in their health-specific resources.

How has the Herrick Library made a difference for you and your family?

The intimacy of the library gave me a sense of privacy while sharing my questions and concerns with a staff member. The team helped me feel normal and less afraid to ask my questions, and it put me at ease to see their willingness to gather information to send my way. If you have a health question, you don’t have to worry about being educated on the topic; the Herrick Library’s specialty is to make health information clearer so you can put it to use.

What’s your own secret to living well?

This is a tough one for me, as I battle with exercise and often have an excuse to why I do not do more. So, my secret is my connection with family, friends and plenty of love and laughter (sometimes over a glass of wine)! Facetime with grandkids is key as well (grin)!

What do you say to those who might be afraid to reach out to someone to talk about their health?

Hmmmm, “I will go with you” has worked for me to get others motivated about taking care of their health. Whether it be to a procedure, or trying to get a loved one or friend to go get a diagnosis from a medical professional instead of trying to diagnose themselves. Or, I will offer to drive – this happened recently with my own husband – he had a stent and I was pleading with him to go get checked! Sometimes we need to support each other to be healthy.


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