Healthy Living

In addition to the following links to Healthy Living resources, GHD’s Health & Wellness Library subscribes to the following relevant magazines. The Library also subscribes to 19 newsletters from the Cleveland Clinic, Harvard Medical School, Mayo Clinic, and others. Click here to view our Magazines & Newsletters page.


• Better Nutrition (Online) • Spirituality and Health (Print)
• Clean Eating (Online) • VegNews (Online)
• Healthy Aging (Print) • Vibrant Life (Print)
• Men’s Health (Print & Online) • WellBeing (Online)
• Mother Earth News (Print) • Women’s Health (Online)
• Prevention (Print & Online) • Yoga Journal (Online)
• Qi: The Journal of Traditional Eastern Health & Fitness (Print)


Eating  – This site provides extensive information based on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food guidance system called MyPlate. Includes information on the five food groups, physical activity, how to eat well on a limited budget, recipes, tips and resources, weight loss, and interactive tools. Información en Español.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans – This U.S. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion website provides information on the 2015-2020 dietary guidelines and includes tools, reports and research, and related resources. – The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics provides information for the public on food, health, and fitness, as well as sections for kids, parents, men, women, and seniors.

Let’s Eat Healthy© – This website is funded by the nonprofit Dairy Council of California, a state government entity. Registered dietitians write the articles and develop the online tools. Healthy living, healthy eating, meals and recipes, nutrition and fitness tools, and healthy kids sections include information, interactive tools, and quizzes. – This extensive site from the U.S. Department of Agriculture offers credible information to help you make healthful eating choices. Provides links to other websites and information on dietary supplements, food assistance programs, nutrition and health issues for specific diseases and conditions, “Smart Nutrition 101,” weight management, and more. Información sobre la nutrición en Español.

The Nutrition Source – This website is maintained by the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. It explores the latest science about diet and nutrition and answers key questions about what you should eat. Sections include healthy eating plate, healthy drinks, salt and sodium, carbohydrates, fat and cholesterol, disease prevention, recipes, staying active, healthy weight, and more.



American Council on Exercise (ACE) – Sections include fitness programs and healthy living with extensive tips, information, and complete fitness and exercise libraries with instructions, videos, and photos. Also includes healthy recipes and research/studies on types of exercises and exercise tools.

Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults – The National Institute on Aging provides information on the different types of exercise and how to get motivated and stay safe, along with short videos demonstrating various exercises. Recursos sobre ejercicio y actividad física en Español.

Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans – This website from the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (part of the Department of Health & Human Services) provides information based on the 2008 guidelines. It also includes the Be Active Your Way Blog for up-to-date information, tips, and suggestions. Información en Español.


Healthy Living™ – This website is a consumer resource for healthy living based on an integrative medicine philosophy. Provides information on Health & Wellness; Nutrition; Vitamins, Supplements & Herbs; as well as sections on Ask Dr. Weil, “health centers” about various conditions and age/gender groups, and balanced living. – This U.S. Department of Health & Human Services website has information on more than 1,400 health topics from government and nonprofit organizations. The Everyday Healthy Living includes information on nutrition, physical activity, mental health and relationships, sexual health, and safety. Información sobre cómo llevar una vida sana en Español.

Mayo Healthy Lifestyle Information – Includes sections on nutrition and healthy eating, fitness, sexual health, birth control, weight loss, quit smoking, stress management, and consumer health. Also provides information by ages and stages (pregnancy, child, and adult). The multimedia section features images, interactive graphics, videos, and slide shows on nutrition and healthy eating. Información en Español.

Medline Plus: Healthy Living – This website from the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health provides links to information on healthy living, Exercise and Physical Fitness, and Nutrition, as well as 1,000 other health topics. Información en Español.