9001 Wakarusa Street, La Mesa, CA 91942

As you walk through the library, stop halfway back at the rotating wooden kiosk. Here you will find 22 health and wellness newsletters from some of the leading education and research institutions in America. Published monthly and filled with current advice and information, each 8-page newsletter focuses on a medical specialty or population group.

Areas of interest range from general (Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter; Mayo Clinic Health Letter) to specific (Harvard Men’s Health Watch; Weill Cornell Medicine Women’s Health Advisor; Scientific American Health After 50) to more specific (Harvard Heart Letter; Cleveland Clinic Arthritis Advisor). Some even appeal to particular points of view (Environmental Nutrition; Dr. Andrew Weil’s Self Healing).

Short articles give you a quick overview of topics such as “Rethinking Hormone Therapy,” “Understanding Opioid Addiction,” or “Beyond the Morning Buzz: How Does Coffee Affect Your Heart?”

Come learn something new! These health newsletters can help keep you informed and up-to-date. That’s almost as good as a letter from home!

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